Children with medical, physical and developmental delay often have unique learning issues that can affect their schooling experiences and therapy.
The QCTC Psychometrist provides comprehensive assessments of QCTC Clients from 2 to 18 to identify individual strengths and challenges and to develop learning stragegies to assist them in being successful.
The QCTC Psychometrist also offers the following services/assistance:
♦ Screens new clients from 2 to 5 years old with developmental issues
♦ Interprets psychological reports for parents and therapists
♦ Observes clients in natural environments such as home, daycare and school
♦ Meets with parents to discuss learning strategies and needs
♦ Discusses approaches to management of specific learning, developmental and behaviour disabilities in
♦ Acts as a liaison with the consulting Psychologist
♦ Makes referrals to other agencies
♦ Promotoes and assists with School Advocacy
♦ Community Consultation and Liaison
Referrals are only accepted within the centre. A QCTC therapist can initiate an inter-department referral.
The center's Psychometrist has a Masters Degree in Child Development. Consultation is available to the Psychometrist from a clinical psychologist.