School Based Rehabilitation Services (SBRS)
The SBRS program provided by the Quinte Children’s Treatment Centre (QCTC) supports
students and school staff using a team-based model, to address issues that impact the
student’s ability to participate in the school curriculum and/or environment. Available
supports include occupational therapy, physiotherapy and speech therapy for eligible
students attending provincially funded schools in Ontario.
SBRS programs in Ontario are shifting from the traditional model of one-on-one
intervention for every student to a tiered model of service delivery that is based on
functional need. This may include capacity building with school staff and/or with
caregivers through universal interventions that are good for all students and necessary for
some, or more targeted support for a specific student, where required. Observations and
interventions are most often provided within the classroom or other school environment,
rather than by withdrawing each student from class.
Please CLICK HERE for information about different ways to submit a referral.
Please CLICK HERE for referral packages for SBRS OT, SBRS PT
Please CLICK HERE for referral packages for SBRS SLP
Student Updates
Please CLICK HERE for our SBRS Student Information Update Form. This form enables schools to provide updated information regarding a referral, including additional information supporting SBRS referral, updates to a student's contact information, or to indicate that the student no longer requires service and may be discharged from the waitlist.
QCTC encourages all communication and feedback from our families and school partners.
If you have any questions about our school-based programs,
Contact us at 613-969-7400 x 2784